Monday, November 23, 2009

The next morning Hemlock quietly dispatches four men out to Bradley's barn while he and Malvick go to the prison below to question Grayst Sevilla.  To their suprise they find him tied into a straight jacket, lying nearly catatonic in the middle of his cell.  Hemlock immediately calls out to the jailer.  "Vachedi, I told you this man was a witness, not a prisoner!  And he's sick and wounded!  What's going on here?" 

The big Shoanti jailer shrugged impassively.  "That man got demons in him," he said.  "Father Zanthus  here last night to treat him as you order, but he attack good Father, try to claw out eyes.  So I restrain him."

Sevilla cannot be roused from his fugue, he stares at the walls, avoiding eye contact and refusing food.  His fever is clearly worse, and by miday the cell is close with the stink of sweat and disease.

Father Zanthus returns then, but refuses to enter the cell.  A simple healing spell the night before took care of the arrow wounds, but without being able to exmine him properly, Father Zanthus cannot diagnose or treat him, and the priest's magic is not strong enoungh to cure diseases with simply a touch.

The next morning Malvick is wakened by a no nonsense Hemlock.  "Malvick, something has happened at the sawmill.  Wait here until I get back."

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