Friday, June 11, 2010

When you enter the workshop everything seems to slow down.  The chase dissappears, and have the sudden urge to cross the room and read the books on the workbench.  As soon as you touch the books, a series of visions flood through your mind – an animated tableau of figures moving on a vast plane of stained glass:

A middle-aged man sits in this room, pouring over books, scrolls and tomes, feverishly researching rituals best left undiscovered. The vision shifts and you find yourself watching the same man carefully pouring chemicals and strange liquids into a vial, a triumphant look on his face. He raises the vial and drinks greedily, embracing eternal undeath. Soon after, he suddenly doubles over in pain and begins to rot away.

You are filled with blinding shame that a loved one would do this to himself, followed by an agony of anger that your husband Voral must be stopped.  You are Kassandra Foxglove, and your husband has just succeeded in turning himself into an undead lich.  You must get upstairs to rescue you children as fast as you can.  You look up to see an unfamiliar man beckonning to you from the cellar stairs.  To his left, your husband Voral blocks the doorway back upstairs and to your children.

OOC:  Xer has been possessed by the spirit of the original Foxglove matriarch, Kassandra.  Play this up as much as you can,  You must get upstairs to save your children, and anyone who gets in your way transforms into a twisted parody of your undead husband.  do everything in your power to reach the children's bedroom... 

1 comment:

Xer said...

I yell at the figure standing at the stairway down. "Help me save my children he is mad I tell you mad!"

Turn and face the figure blocking the doorway up and proceed to attack them. I am not sure if I can use flurry of blows or not. If I can then I will use it while yelling at them.

"You will not stop me from saving my children!"

If anyone attempts to stop me I will try to take them down causing as much damage as I can.