Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It was Grayst Sevilla.  Malvick had finally recognized his prisoner (victim? suspect? Malvick wasn't sure how to think of the man that he had been dragging behind him for the last hour) after the man had collapsed in the road and Malvick had revived him by splashing some water on his face and clearing away some of the dirt and gore.

Sevilla was known to him.  A fellow mercenary that travelled in the same circles as he did, Sevilla must have been the "msucle" that the three con men had hired before leaving Magnimar.  Sevilla had always been a bt of a bully boy and not too selective in his choice of employers, but Malvick knew him as a talented and dependable blade man.  It chilled him to think of what could have so unhinged this stoic and callous Varisian thug.

By the time they got into Sandpoint it was past dusk.  Malvick paused at the town's welcome post, a mirror hanging bepow the sign, which read:  "Welcome to Sandpoint (pop1,242)  Please take a momment to see yourself as we see you.  Malvick grimaced at the ghastly sight of him and his travelling companion in the mirror and was thankful that the town was so quiet after dark.  He hurried straight to the garrison.

"Malvick!  What in the gods name have you dragged in for us this time?"  Sheriff Belor Hemlock rose from his seat in the garrison commons, instantly taking charge of the situaton.  His men took the groaning Sevilla away to a nearby cell , while Hemlock ushered his friend over to the benches and a hot meal.  Malvick was grateful for the food, but couldn't return his friend's grin.

"That man," he started, "be careful, he's sick and wounded.  Belor listen, I ..."  Malvick wiped his hand over his eyes, wondering how to start.  The Sherrif's grin was replaced by serious concern. 

A storm broke outside as Malvick recounted his tale.


Malvick said...

"...and that's when I came back to Sevilla to undo some of the damage I had done."

It was a struggle, but Malvick got through his tale. The meal was good and he ate quickly between words. Ariva got something by his side every third or fourth helping. A well fed dog, thought the sheriff.

"So that's how it went. Thank goodness we got him here alive. We may be able to answer some questions later if he ever recovers. I couldn't risk Ariva's well being by holding the shot." A solid scratch between the ears perked the dog right up.

"I had to bring this to you when I realized how far their group had come. The barn is in your region. You know me, I'll help you but I can only go so far. Right now my marks are all dead and the loot's gone. I need to figure out what happened so I have something to bring back to my employer. What do we do next?"

Greg Stewart said...

Hemlock runs his hand over his scalp. "Well, tonight we do nothing. I'll set you up with a cot in the barracks." Hemlock knew better to suggest Ariva spend the night in the stable. "Tomorrow I'll send some lads out to the barn to retreive the bodies and clean the place up. We'll dress Sevilla's wounds tonight, and you and I can question him in the morning. But for now, get some sleep."

Malvick said...

"Thanks, Hemlock. You're probably right." Malvick turned, collected his belongings off the back of the chair and headed to the doorway for the barracks.

In the portal he paused. "Oh, Hemlock..." he turned to face his friend, "do you have any healers or anti-venom I can have? I'm running a little light."

"I'll see if there's anything I can spare, Malvick, but I wouldn't count on anything on my budget. Get some rest," Hemlock said with a smirk.

With that Malvick headed to the cot that was almost too small for him, Ariva on his heels. Who knew how much sleep he'd get tonight.

Weapons by his side table and under his pillow gave him some comfort as they always did. As he drifted off with bloody stars filling his thoughts he all of sudden felt a weight upon his legs! "Damn it Ariva, cut it out!" Malvick pushed her back to the floor by the cot. "This bed isn't even big enough for me! Dumb dog."

Ariva settled back down beside the bed, her feelings not hurt, while another plot to get some mattress space bubbled in her brain.

Malvick said...

OOC: Here is my sin and virtue for Malvick.

Virtue of Rule: Eager Striving

Sin: Pride